Blog Archive

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stuck in the mud

Ever feel like you are stuck in the mud and not going anywhere. Well that is how Tessa felt here. We flood irrigated around the house for the first time since we moved here and so this morning there were lots of mud puddles. This is what can happen when you take your eyes off of a 1 1/2 year old. They get stuck in the mud. Ha Ha

And this is what happens when you just lift here out. Here shoes stay right there stuck in the mud. This led to a whole new change of cloths. Hope all of you are doing well.
bye for now


Soccer Mom said...

That is exactly how we felt today! We went to move the sprinkler off of the garden and both of us got stuck in the mud! We couldn't stop laughing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so-o-o cute! Especially like to one with the shoes left stuck in the mud and Daddys tracks getting her out. It is so tuff being a kid! ha
Love Grammy

Angi said...

haha! How cute! Brings back many memories of the farm! Love you guys!

Pat said...

That is so funny! Nice photos. The empty shoes just crack me up! I can just hear her little whine because she couldn't move! LOL Grandma

Angela said...

How cute! Poor Tessa--we all know how it feels to just have one of those days.. :-)

Angi said...

And might I say, those are certainly some healthy looking yellow flowers!! Ha!

Deb said...

that's pretty darn cute! I remember that happening to me once as a young teen at the beach in the boggy area where we went clam digging.... I lost my flip flops! Way to save her Dad!!!!

The Couch Family said...

So cute! What a sweet baby girl you have. I love all the new things you have posted - Not the black eye part but, glad she is doing better! Can't wait to get together soon! love ya tons. Give those kids some hugs!

About Me

I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful kids with a wonderful husband who works hard for this to be able to happen